GENEVA ----The Large Haden Collider was started today. A big machine.
My grandmother was a little scared....."what if we are all sucked into a black hole"...the sensational 'scums' (herald sun) doing.
Atom smashing! Wow... Steming from THE BIG BANG THEORY.
Well we might be heading back to the middle ages...oh sorry the dark ages... or just being sucked back into the birthing canal where we supposedly all came from....then could we possibly all be reborn again. I hear the Christians stirring!
The scientist (and others) who created this machine are eager to know more about Dark Matter.
I assume 'matter' is a particular physical substance that you can can break up. Things made of Atoms.
So does that rule out our thoughts? As they are not made up of actual physical matter? Or are they?
Dark Matter?
Now what does remind me of? Um Dust, the fantasty novel called the "Golden Compass" or something of the sort. Loved this series when i was young....nearly everyone else was reading the most proper and boring brainless "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe".