this man
came to the house
with my uncle.
My mother
beckoning me
to the other room
clasping me
she has a bad feeling about that man
she tried to shake it
it won't go away
she told his friend
her brother
i told my mother
he is a born again
brain washed
dangerous are the ones
that don't think for themselves
then the brother uncle and
his friend
All back to normal
the house again.
the keys to the garage
where found to have left too.
But none of us know where
not the mother
or the grandmother
or the uncle
or me
we did not ask the friend
Later my mother
again but different
tucking me into bed
'i made your lunch
for work tomorrow'
warm tight sleep love
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
girls get together
Making a pass the parcel for Rachaels picnic in the park today.
Its my Nana's Birthday today!
I am going to drink some sparkling and hit some shuttle cock!
Saturday, November 08, 2008
murder bloody murder
Roy Springham, a man i went to university with and knew was murdered in Rockhampton last week.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
house holidaying
i am house sitting in Prahan. Its a beautiful house.
Brooke is visiting and we are having ups of tea in the garden amongst the blooming orchards.
took my friend Erik out for Beltane on Friday night. i have a big scratch on my bum from falling out the window into the garden. What better way to fall into summer but into the garden.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
marching to a new band
i have a new music love.......listen.
here is a quote.....'from now on nothing holds us back. cacaphony forever. No stopping.'
Yes that is they way they misspelt that wonderful word.
so come jump on the bandwagon!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
i asked the buddy to please stop whinging on my first day. And went and made her a cup of tea to think about and action my request.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Fairley good
Brookes play that she wrote is on at the carlton courthouse - melbourne writers theatre are putting it on. its is on until 11th october. We are going thursday night...........
its is part of the melbourne fringe festival 08
i think the whole night is called playspotting here is more info
Monday, September 29, 2008
i hate tv
i absolutely abhor television at the moment.
it is torture sitting there staring at the outside cause the stuff on the screen is manure.
i think i have spring outside, welcome the flowers and watch everyone smile and shine with blossoming springness.
Oliver says that everyone is 47% better looking in spring and summer....
Thursday, September 25, 2008
last night
i went to the theatre and say CYMBELINE directed by John McManus. Go go go, it was a great piece of shakespeare. All the actors are stunning its on at fortyfivedownstairs.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
GENEVA ----The Large Haden Collider was started today. A big machine.
My grandmother was a little scared....."what if we are all sucked into a black hole"...the sensational 'scums' (herald sun) doing.
Atom smashing! Wow... Steming from THE BIG BANG THEORY.
Well we might be heading back to the middle ages...oh sorry the dark ages... or just being sucked back into the birthing canal where we supposedly all came from....then could we possibly all be reborn again. I hear the Christians stirring!
The scientist (and others) who created this machine are eager to know more about Dark Matter.
I assume 'matter' is a particular physical substance that you can can break up. Things made of Atoms.
So does that rule out our thoughts? As they are not made up of actual physical matter? Or are they?
Dark Matter?
Now what does remind me of? Um Dust, the fantasty novel called the "Golden Compass" or something of the sort. Loved this series when i was young....nearly everyone else was reading the most proper and boring brainless "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe".
My grandmother was a little scared....."what if we are all sucked into a black hole"...the sensational 'scums' (herald sun) doing.
Atom smashing! Wow... Steming from THE BIG BANG THEORY.
Well we might be heading back to the middle ages...oh sorry the dark ages... or just being sucked back into the birthing canal where we supposedly all came from....then could we possibly all be reborn again. I hear the Christians stirring!
The scientist (and others) who created this machine are eager to know more about Dark Matter.
I assume 'matter' is a particular physical substance that you can can break up. Things made of Atoms.
So does that rule out our thoughts? As they are not made up of actual physical matter? Or are they?
Dark Matter?
Now what does remind me of? Um Dust, the fantasty novel called the "Golden Compass" or something of the sort. Loved this series when i was young....nearly everyone else was reading the most proper and boring brainless "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe".
Friday, August 29, 2008
OUT with the old in with the....Smilee
I have kicked my super ego out and went to a 2 years old birthday party to celebrate. Funtastic!
I have kicked my ego out as the guy i have been casually doing does not want me to hang out with him on his birthday.
Now its just me....i feel kinda free!
I have kicked my ego out as the guy i have been casually doing does not want me to hang out with him on his birthday.
Now its just me....i feel kinda free!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
see sea
i have met some many accents
tasted so many coconuts
breathe so much salt air
i have discover one of my heavens
thailand phi phi krabi
tomorrow phuket ( kindly pronounced fuckit)
tasted so many coconuts
breathe so much salt air
i have discover one of my heavens
thailand phi phi krabi
tomorrow phuket ( kindly pronounced fuckit)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
all over red rover
The play is finished and i am supposed to be fishing @ hinchinbrooke. But the rain has not stopped bucketting down since arriving here. So.... i have completed a 1500 piece jigsaw puzzle, bed trampolined acrobatics, extension cord skipping (ouch this hurts when barefoot) and sat gazing and listening to the hugest raindrops from heaven.
Any suggested activities welcome...
Any suggested activities welcome...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
vertabrae by vertabrae
One of the actors has seriously hurt her back and we don't have an understudy... sorry but i have to swear...FUCK! I mean seriously she cannot we have to re-block her scenes today for the preview tomorrow....
the director has a bad back.....
the other actors husband has a degenerative spine condition.
My grandmother has curvature of the spine.
Its all related some bloody how!
So, everyone is walking around on megawatty pain killers heat packs (not jet packs), and all i can do is help them out of their chairs, put their socks on for them and !!Fanatically Scream the Back plague is coming, run for your lives!!! I would much prefer to have a long stiff drink...but someone has to keep it together and be the back bone of the production....alas, i am holding off on that Long long island tea until THAILAND!
the director has a bad back.....
the other actors husband has a degenerative spine condition.
My grandmother has curvature of the spine.
Its all related some bloody how!
So, everyone is walking around on megawatty pain killers heat packs (not jet packs), and all i can do is help them out of their chairs, put their socks on for them and !!Fanatically Scream the Back plague is coming, run for your lives!!! I would much prefer to have a long stiff drink...but someone has to keep it together and be the back bone of the production....alas, i am holding off on that Long long island tea until THAILAND!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
the view in to her
Slumping over the apple whilst waiting for the journalist to come and interview me.
Hung up on that word i-n-t-e-r-v-i-e-w, i belive its because i am exhausted. I tend to close up with that word as it sounds clinical and too personal. I mean for one to be viewed interly by a complete stranger. Lets hope i make a new friend.....
Last night i saw Bell's Shakespeares production of "As you like it". One of my favourites from Willy, but really what was John thinking... Directors do date, they need to know when their time to sit this one out and wait till they are back in fashion to arise again. It was a mixed bag of lollies with no true commitment to one concept. "let it be" beatles song is the background music for this thought. Although there were some talented in particalur but i only caught his first name...Julian.
Journalist here, time to bare some minta to a complete stranger.....
Hung up on that word i-n-t-e-r-v-i-e-w, i belive its because i am exhausted. I tend to close up with that word as it sounds clinical and too personal. I mean for one to be viewed interly by a complete stranger. Lets hope i make a new friend.....
Last night i saw Bell's Shakespeares production of "As you like it". One of my favourites from Willy, but really what was John thinking... Directors do date, they need to know when their time to sit this one out and wait till they are back in fashion to arise again. It was a mixed bag of lollies with no true commitment to one concept. "let it be" beatles song is the background music for this thought. Although there were some talented in particalur but i only caught his first name...Julian.
Journalist here, time to bare some minta to a complete stranger.....
Monday, June 09, 2008
So i'm going to write about the streets of Cairns....
Backpackers everywhere, surprisingly european flavour mainly. I have met predominately netherlanders........ummmm dutch, double dutch! The Tourist graffiti the city centre with lots of pieces of paper stuck up all over town with notices of intent....
here is one example i took a photo of....this was posted up next to the the hole in the wall! (eftpos machine)
* not downloading pictures, stay tuned to flickr or use your imagination!
Backpackers everywhere, surprisingly european flavour mainly. I have met predominately netherlanders........ummmm dutch, double dutch! The Tourist graffiti the city centre with lots of pieces of paper stuck up all over town with notices of intent....
here is one example i took a photo of....this was posted up next to the the hole in the wall! (eftpos machine)
* not downloading pictures, stay tuned to flickr or use your imagination!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Read all about it NY
My Dad made the 'New York Times' its about his latest trip Overseas and shaving his
And if you want to know the art of how to shave your eyebrows try here. Questions - what if you forget to put the fake ones on or draw them on. You'd be slightly less expressionless for the day.
Nelva, a friend, lost several areas of her hair (particularly all the areas most women tend to electively remove, eyebrows for one) due to lupus disease and therefore had hers tatttooed back on. Unfortunately she went to a grungi tattooist instead of a beauty parlor and they are now rather wonky....
Really the things people go tooooo for what ???
Ahhh love we all love it and there are so many different types of that wonderful feeling.
p.s. i'm way to scared to pull pluck or shave my eyebrows. Plus i can't draw a curved or straight line to save myself but then i'm not a tattooist.
And if you want to know the art of how to shave your eyebrows try here. Questions - what if you forget to put the fake ones on or draw them on. You'd be slightly less expressionless for the day.
Nelva, a friend, lost several areas of her hair (particularly all the areas most women tend to electively remove, eyebrows for one) due to lupus disease and therefore had hers tatttooed back on. Unfortunately she went to a grungi tattooist instead of a beauty parlor and they are now rather wonky....
Really the things people go tooooo for what ???
Ahhh love we all love it and there are so many different types of that wonderful feeling.
p.s. i'm way to scared to pull pluck or shave my eyebrows. Plus i can't draw a curved or straight line to save myself but then i'm not a tattooist.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Da dda ddie da
(the following is all spoken in a girl borat voice) France with the beards here.......oooh yeah...go the,go here for Divine.
Vell the russia ice skating entry won...gailarious ....and it was the most eurovisionist of the lot....they deserved it with that concept.
and Yum Yums catering was divine
the commentators name evades me but he is the best.
Vell the russia ice skating entry won...gailarious ....and it was the most eurovisionist of the lot....they deserved it with that concept.
and Yum Yums catering was divine
the commentators name evades me but he is the best.
Monday, May 19, 2008
easy peasy
I found a receipe today, that mentions it is not suitable to freeze or to microwave.
I love it, just because it said that. I am not totally fond of the idea of frozen food. And i hate the idea of food in microwaves.
BUT and that is a big but i am about to contradict myself (am i calling myself a hypocrite) i LOVE gelati and my mums homemade banana ice cream.....with frozen cream on top.
I will proceed to cook it...although i have a bad habit of not sticking to the receipe and adding extras. This always leads to disaster or heaven.....
Now does anyone know a fool proof easy peasy way of remembering lines?
I love it, just because it said that. I am not totally fond of the idea of frozen food. And i hate the idea of food in microwaves.
BUT and that is a big but i am about to contradict myself (am i calling myself a hypocrite) i LOVE gelati and my mums homemade banana ice cream.....with frozen cream on top.
I will proceed to cook it...although i have a bad habit of not sticking to the receipe and adding extras. This always leads to disaster or heaven.....
Now does anyone know a fool proof easy peasy way of remembering lines?
Monday, May 12, 2008
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Lock and Load

If you love deadwood, then you would love Clunes.
i recommend taking a cap gun or a potatoe gun and having a stand off down the main street.
Bananas would do fine also, then you can slit them fill them with chocolate and marshallows and put them in the fire...mmmm...after the rounds have been shot.
Do-do-da-do-do (thats meant to be cowboy music)
The book festival was on also. Bought my friend 'Catch 22' she has never read it....lets see if it goes down well.
I bought some records:
1. Saturday Night Fever
2. the Eagles
3. Elvis's Greatest Hits
Oh and a bib and bub cartoon book of May Gibbs.
And best of all they had FAIRY FLOSS there....a person tried to disclose the ingredients to me but i didn't listen and would have shot him down if i only had a cap and or potato gun....but my smokin fingers did the trick.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Play and Stay
I'm going to cairns to play for winter. Tiptoe.
So i have to say i can't wait for winter.....!
So i will have a lovely little apartment in Cairns all to myself for 2 pop on in and play!
So i have to say i can't wait for winter.....!
So i will have a lovely little apartment in Cairns all to myself for 2 pop on in and play!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Time Travel

i have become fascinate with Time Travel. Which means i need to read a book on quantum physics. (i don't think book club will be interested in this type of book) Can anyone recommend a laymens book of this type?
i ask, don't we time travel now? If i walked to germany it would take months, and if a friend flew then it would takes days. Therefore my friend has time travelled in a sense by reaching the future destination before me. Time and distance can vary but the speed of light is fixed. speed of light always travels at the same speed no matter how fast the source is moving.
well i have started my research with ole mate einstein. here is a fun page if yoru into science
Monday, February 04, 2008
Club a dub dub
Started clubbing again.
That is book club and hash slinger club. Haven't had the first meet for either as yet. But preparations are at foot, and thats not a club foot or is it? No No No
My precious library card has been captured by some thiefing mongrel.
Hear, Hear for libraries, whoever started that club up deserves a jar of mums mango chutney.
Hash slinger clubs' theme for next month is pears. I'm thinking about a starter such as pear juice with champagne. Has anyone ever tried this concoction?
That is book club and hash slinger club. Haven't had the first meet for either as yet. But preparations are at foot, and thats not a club foot or is it? No No No
My precious library card has been captured by some thiefing mongrel.
Hear, Hear for libraries, whoever started that club up deserves a jar of mums mango chutney.
Hash slinger clubs' theme for next month is pears. I'm thinking about a starter such as pear juice with champagne. Has anyone ever tried this concoction?
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Dearly Departed
i am gathered here today
after a friend / mentor passed away
i have not cried yet
There is this heavy feeling
like a storm building up
rain tears expected, needed
like weather in Melbourne
but they don't fall down
to quench the dryness of the soul / soil
thank you sir for all of you and your many talented wonderful being
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