If you love deadwood, then you would love Clunes.
i recommend taking a cap gun or a potatoe gun and having a stand off down the main street.
Bananas would do fine also, then you can slit them fill them with chocolate and marshallows and put them in the fire...mmmm...after the rounds have been shot.
Do-do-da-do-do (thats meant to be cowboy music)
The book festival was on also. Bought my friend 'Catch 22' she has never read it....lets see if it goes down well.
I bought some records:
1. Saturday Night Fever
2. the Eagles
3. Elvis's Greatest Hits
Oh and a bib and bub cartoon book of May Gibbs.
And best of all they had FAIRY FLOSS there....a person tried to disclose the ingredients to me but i didn't listen and would have shot him down if i only had a cap and or potato gun....but my smokin fingers did the trick.
1 comment:
Thanks for the wine, the house is yours anytime
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